Saturday, August 14, 2010

Serenity Prayer - Burnet County Style

God Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can, ....

During these ruminations on things past there will be no continuity of timeline. I spend a lot of time in my head reflecting on things past and this week Cindy B (nee W) has been on my mind. Courage comes in many packages and styles and is sometimes goaded out of you by others. Cindy is one of my courageous heroes. There are many reasons and incidents that come to mind, but at this setting only one comes to my fingertips. There was a time that I had been served with the reality of divorce and expulsion from my home on Morgan Creek. God Bless Father Jim (the Commando Priest) as he took me in to his single parent home with his son and himself. Cindy, Susie (my soon to be ex), and Tracy, and I had been traveling weekly into Cedar Park for college courses. Now as I had been spurned by what was then "the love of my life", I had slipped into a profound depression that only alcohol and TV seemed to alleviate to some degree. Well school night came around and as the other two women had already bowed out of college, Cindy came by to pick me up for the ride. She found me at Father Jim's dressed in a button down shirt and swimming trunks, as this was as far as I could motivate myself. Finding me in such attire Cindy sent me to my room to finish getting dressed and I in a hang dog way went back to my room to do such. Well minutes later I came back no further dressed and saying that I just did not have the heart to continue my college ambition in light of my current plight. Speaking to me like a truculent child she sent me back once more to finish dressing as we needed to beat feet for the nearly one hour drive ahead of us. Once more sent back  to  my room I rummaged around a moment and came back with the same hang dog answer as before, i.e. "what's the use!" She then said in no uncertain terms, "Mike M, I'm raising two boys and married to a man and if I have to drag you back to that room and dress you myself, so help me I will!" Kinda scared me she did. So I got my butt in gear, put on clothes, went to school that  night and every other subsequent night after that. Ended up with an A and a 4.0 GPA. Carried that report card in my wallet for a couple of years. Fact is, I'd a never found the courage if it hadn't been for the courage of one of the best friends I ever had. Thanks Cindy!

And the wisdom to know the difference!


  1. miss cindy is a beautiful, intelligent woman who really understands what is important to dwell on and what is important to let go of. she has a compassion that knows no bounds. while she certainly has, and voices(!) opinions, she has such an open heart,and knows no strangers! i love her!

  2. I don't know one person that is not a willing respondent to Cindy's charms. She was the first one in Burnet, besides Paul and Marilyn, that invited me to be a part of activities at the W household. I'll never forget the great times and games played at that table at the back of the house. I just simply love her.
